All you are saying is that each individual gets to decide definitions for him/herself. Which renders any idea of gender meaningless as it’s totally subjective and personal.
I think I am a man. A man is whatever I think a man is. I can think a man is anything at all. Therefore, I am a man if I am anything at all. Which is everyone.
What you are really arguing is that the world has 8 billion different genders for 8 billion different people, because each individual gets to decide and define his/her own. Which renders the notion of gender obsolete. We already have the word ‘individual’.
My ‘sense of self’ cannot be categorized, no one’s can. Because it can never be compared to or measured against anyone else’s. I can’t know if I am part of one group or another using that metric… unless i revert to overly simplistic generalizations and stereotypes.
Either way, none of it has depth of meaning. Unless you can define the different genders that people can be, claiming to be one is a meaningless statement. It communicates nothing.